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Information Technology Security Consultants

Certification, Licensing, and Special Requirements

Certification or Licensing

According to the (ISC)² 2023 Cybersecurity Workforce Study, certifications have become "a highly regarded form of cybersecurity qualification. They are favored over both a bachelor’s degree in a related field (66% vs. 34%) and independent competition experience (54% vs. 46%) (e.g., hackathons). Despite the new pathways and trends shaping the modern cybersecurity profession, certifications continue to be a core ingredient for the ideal cybersecurity candidate."

(ISC)² offers several certification credentials to applicants who pass an examination and meet other requirements. Some of its designations include associate of (ISC)² (an entry-level credential), certified information systems security professional, systems security certified practitioner, certified cloud security professional, certified secure software lifecycle professional, and information systems security engineering professional. SANS Institute, CompTIA, ISACA, Institute of Management Consultants USA, and vendors of Internet security software also provide certification programs.

Other Requierments

Some employers—especially government agencies and the financial industry—may require job applicants to undergo background checks.

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