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Geriatric Social Workers

Certification, Licensing, and Special Requirements

Certification or Licensing

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) offers certification in several areas. All social workers who meet requirements, which include education, experience, and passing an exam, may receive the designation academy of certified social workers. In addition, the NASW offers specialty certifications, such as qualified clinical social worker, clinical social worker in gerontology, social worker in gerontology, and advanced social worker in gerontology to those who meet specific education, practice, and other requirements. Although certification is voluntary, it is highly recommended for anyone wanting to advance in the field. Certification demonstrates that you have gained the knowledge and experience necessary to meet national standards.

The practice of social work is regulated in all states. To receive the necessary licensing, a social worker typically has to gain a certain amount of experience and pass an exam. Because requirements vary by state, you will need to check with the regulatory board in your state for specific information. Licensing information is also available from the Association of Social Work Boards (

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