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Online Gambling Specialists

Exploring This Job

Legalized gambling and employment is generally restricted to people who are at least 18 or 21 years old, so it is difficult for high school students to get firsthand experience. But you can explore the field by learning as much as you can about table games, chance-based games, and sports betting; reading news articles about online gaming; and participating in information interviews with IGaming specialists. You can also explore your specific career field via a variety of avenues. For example, if you’re interested in software development, you could learn how to code; participate in programming competitions; and attend IT-related summer camps at colleges and universities. If you are interested in marketing, you could attend summer programs, volunteer or intern at a marketing firm, or join your school’s marketing club. Be sure to take advantage of every opportunity to explore your profession and develop your skills. Doing so will give you an advantage when it’s time to head to college.

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