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Quality Control Engineers

Employment Prospects


There are approximately 190,100 industrial production managers, a group that includes quality control engineers, working in the United States. The majority of quality control engineers are employed in the manufacturing sector of the economy. Because engineers work in all areas of industry, their employers vary widely in size, product, location, and prestige.

Starting Out

Quality control engineers may learn of job openings through their schools' career services office, recruiters, and job fairs. In many cases, employers prefer to hire engineers who have some work experience in their particular industry. For this reason, applicants who have had summer or part-time employment or participated in a work-study or internship program have greater job opportunities.

Students may also learn about openings through employment Web sites or by using the services of state and private employment services. They may also apply directly to companies that employ quality control engineers. Students can identify and research such companies by using job resource guides and other reference materials available on the Internet and at most public libraries.

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