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Internet Marketing and Advertising Consultants


The Internet as we know it has only been around for about 25 years. In this short amount of time, it has brought new ways of communicating, marketing, and selling products and services to customers, without the presence of an actual store or office. With the fast growth of Internet sales and services, companies with a Web presence sought people who could create online advertising and marketing campaigns to reach customers. This created the need for the Internet advertising and marketing consultant. Because of constantly evolving technology, the future will require even more specialized and complex skills of Internet marketing and advertising consultants.

Since the profession continues to grow rapidly in tandem with the number of companies conducting e-commerce, more universities and colleges have added specific Internet marketing courses or programs to their curricula. In addition, some professional associations have formed to provide certification, education, and to represent the interests of this population of workers. A few of these associations are the eMarketing Association, Digital Analytics Association, and the Internet Marketing Association.

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