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Software Application Developers

Education and Training Requirements

High School

If you are interested in a career in software application development, you should take as many computer, math, and science courses as possible; they provide fundamental math and computer knowledge and teach analytical thinking skills. Classes that focus on schematic drawing and flowcharts are also very valuable. English and speech courses will help you improve your communication skills, which are very important to software application developers who must make formal presentations to management and clients.

Postsecondary Education

A bachelor’s degree in computer science, software development, software design, or software engineering, plus at least one year of experience with a programming language, is required for most software developers. At least one internship is also usually required.

A few colleges offer majors in mobile application design; many offer classes in the field. Rasmussen College was one of the first schools to create a curriculum that focused on mobile application design and programming. It offers an associate’s degree in software application development and a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Major and core courses include Foundations of Software Design, Introduction to Computer Systems, Mobile Application Development, Fundamentals of Programming, Java, Object Oriented Programming, Discrete Structures for Computer Science, Advanced Algebra, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus. Visit for more information.

In the past, the computer industry has tended to be flexible about official credentials; demonstrated computer proficiency and work experience have often been enough to obtain a good position. However, as more people enter the field, competition has increased, and job requirements have become more stringent. Technical knowledge alone does not suffice in the field of software application development anymore. In order to be a successful developer, you should have at least a peripheral knowledge of the field for which you intend to develop software, such as business, education, or science. Individuals with a degree in education and subsequent teaching experience are much sought after as developers for educational software. Those with bachelor’s degrees in computer science with a minor in business or accounting have an excellent chance for employment in developing business or accounting software.

Other Education or Training

The Association for Computing Machinery, International Game Developers Association, Association for Women in Computing, IEEE Computer Society, and the International Web Association offer webinars, on-site classes, workshops, and other continuing education opportunities. Contact these organizations for more information. 

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