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Internet Security Specialists

Certification, Licensing, and Special Requirements

Certification or Licensing

ISC2 offers several certification designations to applicants who pass an examination and meet other requirements. Some of its designations include associate of ISC2 (an entry-level credential), certified information systems security professional (CISSP), systems security certified practitioner, certified cloud security professional, and certified secure software lifecycle professional. Many companies require candidates to earn the CISSP credential. Before you can become certified, however, the organization requires you to have five years of experience in the field and pass an examination. SANS, Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals, CompTIA, and vendors of Internet security software and other products also offer certification credentials.

The Internet is constantly evolving, and Internet technology changes so rapidly that it is vital for the Internet security specialist to stay on top of current technology. After all, if a hacker has knowledge of cutting-edge technology and can use it to break into a system, the security specialist must be trained to counter those attacks. Security specialists must be well versed in the same cutting-edge technology. Often, the vendor creating the most current technology is the best training source. In the future, the technology is likely to become more complex, and so is the training. Ideally, product certification coupled with a few years of hands-on experience qualifies you for advancement.

Other Requirements

It is not uncommon for those applying for security positions to be asked to undergo background checks or at least have their list of references closely interviewed to make sure the applicants are trustworthy individuals. In fact, many companies prefer to hire individuals who have been recommended to them directly by someone they know and trust.

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