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Internet Security Specialists

Exploring This Job

If Internet security interests you, play around on your computer. Check out programming books from the local library and learn how to write simple code. You might also want to read professional publications such as Information Security, which is published by TechTarget ( Another publication to consider is the quarterly magazine 2600 ( While 2600 is aimed at hackers, reading the articles will give you an understanding of how some systems are broken into and help you develop your ability to think of defenses.

High school computer clubs and competitions allow you to experiment with computer programming. They are great places to design and implement systems and solutions in a nonthreatening atmosphere. You can also work with other students to get accustomed to working in teams. One example of a cybersecurity competition is the National Cyber League (, which is available to high school and college students.

The most obvious place to learn about the Internet is on the Internet. Surf the Web and research the many security issues facing users today. Visit the sites of consulting firms where you can get an idea of the services these firms offer.

You may be able to get valuable experience by volunteering to provide security services to an organization's Web site such as a club or a religious organization that you belong to. If you live in a large metropolitan area, you may also be able to get an unpaid internship at a security company or the security department of a large company. While most internships, especially paying opportunities, are usually reserved for college students, high school seniors may be able to job shadow or work unpaid jobs that give them a good opportunity to see what the job of security specialist is like.

Online employment sites, national news magazines, newspapers, and trade magazines are good sources of information. You can also find out a lot about current trends and hiring practices. Classified sections reveal what kind of market there is for security specialists and where the jobs are.

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