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Legal Operations Specialists

Education and Training Requirements

High School

Legal operations specialists are “jacks of all trades,” so it’s a good idea to take a wide range of classes in high school, including mathematics, accounting, statistics, business, legal studies, social studies, and computer science (especially in database management, data analytics, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence, if it is offered). Be sure to take English, writing, and speech classes because specialists must be able to write effective reports and other correspondence and give oral presentations. Learning a foreign language will allow you to communicate more effectively with those who do not speak English fluently (or at all), and this skill will open up more job opportunities.

Postsecondary Education

Most employers prefer candidates who have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in legal studies, business, or a related field, plus a certificate in paralegal studies. Additionally, paralegals who have earned associate’s or bachelor’s degrees in paralegal studies can become LOSs after obtaining on-the-job experience. A small percentage of LOSs prepare for the field by receiving training in the military to become a paralegal or legal assistant. If they pursue this learning path, the paralegal or legal assistant must complete additional coursework in legal operations and/or obtain on-the-job experience in order to qualify to work as a legal operations specialist.


Certificate programs in legal studies, paralegal studies, operations management (general), and legal operation specialties are offered by colleges and universities and professional associations. For example, the National Society for Legal Technology offers a legal office technology certificate program, as well as partners with the Association of Certified Electronic Discovery Specialists to offer an ediscovery technology certificate. Visit for more information.

Other Education or Training

The Corporate Legal Operations Consortium has developed a core curriculum that includes the 12 functional areas of legal operations, foundational tenets, and industry terminology. One of its first offerings, Legal Ops 101 Workshop, was presented at its annual Global Institute. The Association of Legal Administrators, Association of Corporate Counsel, True Value Partnering Institute, American Bar Association, International Legal Technology Association, NALS…The Association for Legal Professionals, and other organizations also provide professional development opportunities.

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