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Education and Training Requirements

High School

Most futurists have an interdisciplinary background. They are constantly tying bits of information and knowledge from many fields together to propose future scenarios. As a result, you should take a full college-preparatory schedule of classes that helps you to build your general knowledge and your critical-thinking skills. Recommended classes include social studies, government, science, psychology, mathematics, philosophy, and computer science. You’ll need strong writing and oral communication skills, so be sure to take speech and English courses. Joining the debate team is also a good idea, since you’ll frequently be required to explain and defend your ideas during strategic foresight conferences and media appearances. Since many futurists study world events, proficiency in at least one foreign language will come in handy.

Postsecondary Education

A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in any major is required to enter the field, but many futurists have graduate degrees. Some U.S. colleges offer classes in futures studies, foresight, alternative futures, and strategic planning, and a few offer graduate degrees and certificates, including:

  • University of Houston:
  • University of Hawaii, Manoa:
  • California College of the Arts:

The Acceleration Studies Foundation offers a list of global futures studies programs at


The University of Houston offers a professional certificate in foresight. Topics include alternative perspectives, scenario development, implications analysis, change management, issue-based planning, and framework forecasting. Visit for more information.

Other Education or Training

Professional associations such as the World Future Society, Association of Professional Futurists, International Association for Strategy Professionals, and the World Future Studies Federation offer continuing education opportunities at their annual conferences and other association-sponsored events. Contact these organizations for more information.

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